Run 728 x 90

dimecres, 6 de març del 2013

Creixement sostenible / Sustainable growth

Plou. El clima ideal per fer revisió i neteja. I, mira per on, he trobat una sèrie d'escrits del 2005, quan em dedicava a escriure cada dia una carta al diari AVUI (alguns van ser publicats, d'altres no). N'hi ha un de l'octubre d'aquell any, sobre la crisi que em semblava que vindria i de com afrontar-la, i que es deia "Creixement sostenible":

Igual que les plantes no poden créixer si no tenen unes bones arrels, les empreses que no estan ben arrelades tindran un creixement feble. Potser, si és temporada de pluges, pugin ufanoses i ben dretes, però quan vingui la sequera –que vindrà puntualment– la planta sense arrels s'assecarà i morirà, mentre es lamenta "com és que jo, tan enlaire com havia arribat, m'he de veure així?" Una bona planta només creixerà si es pot adaptar al terreny que l'alimenta, procurant també de no malmetre'l, no fos cas que, aquell terreny que fa temps era idoni, ara s'hagi tornat erm. Benvolgudes plantes: si voleu créixer de forma sostenible, recordeu-vos de cuidar el vostre entorn més proper, el que us dóna de menjar, i procureu fer-hi arrels profundes.

No recordo si la carta es va arribar a publicar mai, però em temo que, en ple boom econòmic, ningú m'hauria fet cas…

Creieu que avui encara és vàlid, l'escrit? Què signifiquen "les arrels", avui, a les empreses?Espero els vostres comentaris!


It Rains. The weather is ideal for checking and cleaning. And I've found a series of letters I wrote in 2005 to be published in the newspaper AVUI (some of them were actually published). One of these letters was about the crisis I thought it was about to come, and how to overcome it; it was called "Sustainable growth":

As trees can not grow without deep roots, some companies without roots could face weak growth. Maybe during the rain season, they will grow fast and look like very well fitted, but
When drought comes –it will do come– trees without deep roots will dry and die, while regreting "why, after having reached the sky, do I feel like this?" Good trees will only grow if
they can adapt to the land they live in, trying not to damage it as well, just to make sure that the ideal land that it was is still good. Dear trees: if you want to grow in a
sustainable way, remember to take care of your immediate environment, which
gives you food, and try to make deep roots.

I do not remember if the letter was ever published, but I fear that, in the middle of an economic boom, nobody would have paid any attention to it…

Do you think the letter is still valid? what does "deep roots" mean, today, for companies? I will welcome your comments!

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