Run 728 x 90

dimarts, 25 de març del 2014

Avui, el primer dia / Today, the first day

Avui, el primer dia

Avui he tornat a córrer. Turmell inflat i alegria més inflada encara. Ahir hi vaig pensar, i avui ho he fet. Mentre corria, atent al turmell esquerre i a cada passa que feia, he notat una punxada al turmell dret. El bo! 

I de sobte he pensat en tot l'esforç que el turmell dret ha estat fent de més durant aquestes quatre setmanes. Mentre jo mirava cada dia el turmell lesionat, li posava pomades, l'embenava amb cura, el turmell dret estava fent doble feina. He estat pensant tot el que no podia fer amb el turmell esquerre, mentre el dret feia la feina, junt amb els braços i les crosses dels amics.

I avui el turmell dret ha dit "Ei, que sóc aquí, i que potser que em cuidis!". Doncs sí. I moltes gràcies per la feina feta. Sense tu no hagués estat possible, i m'ha calgut començar a córrer per adonar-me del que m'ha permès caminar tot aquest temps.

Avui ha estat el primer dia. M'he proposat córrer 5 kilòmetres, i n'he fet 8. Amb compte, vigilant i agraint els suports que he anat rebent. 

Encara no estic al 100%, però ja he començat de nou. Un altre cop en camí. Volia esperar una mica més, estar segur que podria, no em volia arriscar a lesionar-me més. Però m'hi he posat, amb calma, a poc a poc i amb ganes. I ha estat genial! Quina felicitat, quan no m'escolto gaire a mi mateix i faig el que vull fer...

I tu? A què esperes per començar? Què hi guanyaràs, si no ho fas? Espero els teus comentaris...

Today, the first day

Today I've been running again. Joy is greater than ankle pain. Yesterday I thought about running, and today I did. During the run, I was paying attention to my injured ankle and to every single step I was doing. And I noticed some pain in my right ankle. The healthy one!

And suddenly I thought of all the extra effort that my right ankle has been doing these last four weeks. I've been taking care of my injured ankle every day, massaging it, bandaging it, and meanwhile my right one has done double work. I've spent four weeks thinking about the things that I couldn't do due to my left ankle, while the right one was doing the job, along with my arms and a couple of crutches.

And today the right ankle said "Hey, I'm here, and maybe I also need your care". Well, yes . And thank you for the work done. It wouldn't have been possible without you, and this run makes me realize you have helped me all this time.

Today is the first day. I wanted to run 3 miles, and I've run 5. Taking care af every step, and watching and appreciating all the support I've received.

I'm still not 100% ok, but I started again. Again on track. I wanted to wait a little longer, just to make sure I was able; I did not want to risk injuring myself again. But I've done it, step by step, taking it easy but determined to keep running. And it's been great! Maybe happiness consists of not listening too much to myself and start doing what I want to do...

What about you? What are you waiting for to start? What will be your gain, if you don't move? I'm waiting for your comments...