Run 728 x 90

divendres, 27 de setembre del 2013

Bé o malament / Good or wrong

9:30 am. El centre de Barcelona es desperta, els botiguers van arribant. Jo m'ho miro desde l'Starbucks. Des de dins però, alhora, des de fora. Com si no anés amb mi. És divendres, ahir va ser un dia llarg i demà no hi ha escola. Divendres, un moment de pausa. Carpe diem.

El món gira i avui he decidit aturar-me una estoneta. Cafè i jo. I els pensaments que corren.

Ahir vaig estar parlant de coaching en una escola (el que semblava impossible comença a fer-se realitat) i en un moment vam parlar del que està bé, del que està malament, i de les capacitats dels adolescents per disingir una cosa de l'altra. La qüestió principal, però, és qui decideix el que està bé i el que no, i quina legitimitat donem a les opinions dels adolescents sobre el que està bé i el que no...
Quan un adolescent declara "vull ser enginyer", per exemple, com ens sentim? I si ens diu "vull ser miner"? les nostres emocions són les mateixes? quines opinions ens vénen al cap sobre què està bé i què no?
Estaré encantat de llegir les vostres opinions mentre acabo el cafè i, jo també, em preparo per començar el dia
9:30 am. Dowtown Barcelona is waking up, stores are opening. I see it from Starbucks, but I'm not involved in this process. It's friday, I had a long day yesterday, and tomorrow schools will be closed.

Friday, a day off. Carpe diem.
The world is moving fast, but now I have stopped. Just coffew and myself. And some thoughts coming.

Yesterday I was talking about coaching at a school (it seemed impossible, but it's becoming a reality) and at a given moment we talked about good and evil, and the capacity of a teenager to distinguish both of them. Nevertheless, the main subject is who decides what is good and what is wrong, and the degree of legitimacy that we give to teenagers' opinions about this.
How do we feel when a teenager says, for example, "I'm gonna be an engineer"? What about "I'm gonna be a miner"? Do we have the same feelings? what comes into our minds about what is good and what is wrong?
I'll be glad to read your opinions while finishing my coffee and, me too, get ready to start a new day.

dilluns, 9 de setembre del 2013

Tornem-hi / Once again

El temps ens diu que encara és estiu, però ja estem ficats de ple a la tardor. S'han acabat les vacances. Aviat començaran les escoles, les activitats extraescolars, el llevar-se a l'hora que el despertador vulgui, quan encara és negra nit.

El cicle recomença, i ens hi anem acostumant. I sembla que "ens toca".


Ens va molt bé la rutina, perquè ens estalvia de pensar possibles alternatives. I així anem fent, mig adormides les emocions, no fos cas que perdéssim el que tenim...
Què podríem fer, de diferent? Quines coses volem –realment– fer, però no ens acabem de decidir i diem que "no podem", quan en realitat "no ens atrevim"?
Potser només es tracta d'adonar-se que sempre triem, que tenim nosaltres el control, i que som els que decidim posar l'hora del despertador. Ho fem perquè volem, i ho fem si volem. Hi ha alternatives.

Si les alternatives no ens agraden, aleshores ja sabem que fem el que més ens agrada. Ja no és "he de tornar a treballar", sinó "vull tornar a treballar, perquè..." (i aquí cadascú que hi afegeixi el que aconsegueix anant a treballar)

Què us fa llevar, realment, quan encara és negra nit? Només el despertador? 

Voleu compartir les vostres respostes?

(PD ningú va dir que treballar fos fàcil, ni que a les 6 del matí és obligat estar ple a vessar de felicitat, però saber que estàs fent el que vols ajuda a abandonar els llençols calentons)


The weather says it's still summer, but our routine says it's autumn already. Summer holidays are over. Children will go back to school, extracurricular activities are about to start, and all of us will wake up when the alarm clock decides to; when it's still dark night.

The cycle begins once more, and we are getting used to it. And it looks like "we have to."


We feel comfortable living in a daily routine, because it keeps us away from thinking new possibilities. And days go by, our emotions asleep, trying not to lose what we have...
Could we do anything different? What kind of things do we –actually– want to do, but we just doubt, so we say "I can't"? Maybe we should say "I do not dare".
Maybe it's just about realizing that we can choose; we have the control; we decide the time the alarm clock will sound. And we do it because we want to. And of course, it's plenty of different options out there.

If we don't like the rest of alternatives, then we know that we are actually doing what we like. It is not "I have to go back to work" anymore, but "I want to return to work because ..." (and the rest is just the objectives you pursue by going to work)

What makes you wake up when it's still dark night? Only the alarm clock?

Want to share your answers?

(PS I'm not saying working is easy. You don't have to be the happiest person in the world at 6 a.m., but knowing that waking up is just what you want to do is a good help to leave those warm blankets behind)