Run 728 x 90

dijous, 6 de juny del 2013

La Maria em llegeix! / Maria reads me!

La Maria em llegeix!

Hi ha moments que marquen un abans i un després. De cop, el món canvia. I tot té un altre color. Porto una època amb molts d'aquests moments, i cadascun se'm queda gravat durant un temps, com una petita arrugueta de felicitat. I m'agrada buscar-los, aquests moments. I trobar-los.

La Maria ha llegit un parell d'entrades del meu blog, i quan ho he sabut ha estat un d'aquests moments: hi ha algú que no em coneix, que només havia sentit el meu nom, i que ha trobat el moment per interessar-se pel que dic!!!

No coneixia la Maria, ni la majoria de les persones amb qui he compartit una estona de conversa, però m'he sentit com si fos part d'aquell grup des de molt abans. persones que han dedicat el seu temps a estar amb mi, per parlar de coaching. Brutal.

La Maria em llegeix. Potser ha estat només un cop, potser no hi haurà una segona vegada, però aquest blog ja ha valgut la pena, perquè una persona desconeguda li ha fet un cop d'ull.

Gràcies, Maria. Gràcies a totes. Ens retrobarem ben aviat...
Maria reads me!

There are some moments in my life that make the difference. Suddenly, the world changes. And everything's brighter. I've been through some of these moments, recently, and each of them is stored in my soul, as a wrinkle of happiness. I like to look for these moments. And to find them.

Maria has read my blog, and when she's told me it's been one of these moments: there's someone out there, someone who only knows my name, someone who has found some time to spend on my blog!!!

I met Maria this afternoon for the very first time, as many of the rest. We all have shared a nice conversation, and it has been like a meeting of old friends. Those people have spent their time just to be with me, just to talk about coaching. Terrific.

Maria reads me. Perhaps it's been only once, maybe it won't be twice, but this blog is worthy, because a person I didn't know has read something in it.

Thanks, Maria. Thank you everyone. See you soon...