Run 728 x 90

dilluns, 11 de març del 2013

Córrer i pensar / To run and to think

Ahir vaig tornar a córrer. Feia dues setmanes que estava "aturat" i, la veritat, ho he trobat molt a faltar: mentre corro, penso. En les meves creences, les meves opinions, i en la manera com interpreto tot el que passa, sempre a partir d'aquestes creences.

Vénen temps de canvis, temps de replantejar-me creences i decidir amb què em quedo i què deixo anar. I mentre corro, vaig fent balanç, convençut que cadascú ha de fer la seva vida, seguir el seu camí, amb passió i gaudint de cada passa. Homes del temps, tatuadores, cuineres, policies, assessores d'imatge, enginyers de teatre... el futur (i el present) és vostre.


Yesterday I started running again. I wasn't running for two weeks and, in fact, I realized how much I missed it: I think while I run. I think about my beliefs, my opinions, and the way I look at everything, according to those beliefs.

Change is coming; it is time to rethink my beliefs and to decide which ones I want to keep, and which ones I'd like to leave. And while running, I realize that everyone havs to follow its way, with passion and enjoying every step. Weathermen, Tatoo artists, chefs, policemen, image consultants, theater engineers... future (and the present) is yours.

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