Run 728 x 90

divendres, 28 de febrer del 2014

Saber-se aturar / Time to stop

Saber parar

Acabo de venir del metge.

Diumenge passat, mentre pensava que estava tenint un dels millors entrenaments de la temporada, sense previ avís, em vaig fer mal al turmell. Feia sol i la platja estava plena de gent, però només una noia es va interessar per mi. "Gràcies, estic bé. Ara truco i vénen a buscar-me". El lloc de la Creu Roja tancat. Ningú em pot ajudar a trobar assistència. Al final, trucada al meu pare, la salvació. 

He estat 5 dies de repòs, aferrant-me al diagnòstic de la doctora: "No et moguis, divendres vés al metge, que et traurà la bena, i ja està". I avui he anat al metge. Però segueixo amb la bena, i 5 dies més de repòs. "Divendres que ve ja veurem". 

En 2 segons va canviar el meu ritme pre-marató. Però era un petit parèntesi. I en 2 minuts aquest parèntesi s'ha fet més gros. Una setmana més. M'imaginava sortint a córrer aquest cap de setmana, de mica en mica, i no podrà ser.

No sé si podré córrer la marató. Aquest any m'he preparat bé, he renovat vestuari (Gràcies, Wiggle), i ja ho tenia tot a punt. I el meu turmell esquerre ha vingut a dir-me que cal estar preparat per aturar-se en qualsevol moment, que de vegades l'entorn ens diu que les coses no es poden fer depressa i corrents. D'acord. T'escolto. Pren-te el temps que necessitis. Jo t'estaré esperant. 

Us escolteu? Com sabeu que ha arribat el moment de parar?


Time to stop

I've just come from the doctor's

Last Sunday, I was having one of the best workouts in the season and, without warning, I hurt my left ankle. It was sunny and the beach was crowded, but only one girl cared for me. "Thanks, I'm fine. Just a phone call and a friend will come to pick me up". The Red Cross site was closed, and nobody else could help me to find assistance. Finally I call my father. A hero comes to rescue me...

I've been resting for five days, hoping the doctor was right: "Do not move , go visit the doctor next Friday, she will remove the bandage, and you''ll be fine". And today I went to the doctor. But I still have a bandage on my ankle, and need 5 more resting days. "See you next Friday".

After 2 seconds, my marathon training was over. I should have been just a break, a small rest. But today, after a 2-minutes visit, this break time has increased. A whole week. I've been dreaming of a Sunday run, just to restart my training, but i won't be that way.

I do not know whether I will be able to run the marathon. This year I trained a lot, I have renewed my running closet (Thanks, Wiggle), and I had everything ready. And my ankle has come to tell me that I must be prepared to stop at any time, that sometimes things things can not be done quickly, in a hurry. OK. I'm listening to you. Take your time. I'll be waiting for you.

Do you listen to yourselves? How do you know that it is time to stop?

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