Run 728 x 90

dimecres, 21 d’agost del 2013

Què tenen d'especial? What's so special?

(Avui publico només en anglès; era una promesa. El proper ja tornarà a ser en els dos idiomes. Disculpeu-me. Qui vulgui, pot posar la versió catalana als comentaris)

Friends. What's de definition of this word? I don't know it, but I know who is in the list and who is not. I have some old friends, some recent friends, and even some former friends. How could I come with a single definition for all of them?

A friend touches my hearth. I am willing to cheer a drink with my friends in a wedding, but definitely I will not take the first step to cheer with someone who is not a friend of mine.

I really enjoy when a friend of mine is having fun, and I feel sorry when I am having more fun than my friends. But I know that being friends means my friends will enjoy when I'm having fun. 

I can show every single version of myself when I am with friends. If you are not a friend of mine, maybe I will only show one or two faces, the most polite ones, the most "social" ones, but not the entire myself.

I can say who is a friend of mine, who is going to be a friend of mine, and who is not. But I am not able to give a definition of the word "friend"...

Could you give one? What's ypur definition of "friend"?

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